The HAWA EXPO officially concluded on the afternoon of February 25, 2023, at the Saigon Exhibition and Convention Center (SECC). For a start-up brand like S.norm, the four days of presence at HAWA were truly a meaningful experience. Participating in this year’s Expo provided us with numerous opportunities to meet with design firms, businesses, and logistics providers both domestically and internationally. It allowed us to introduce and share our vision and business direction for S.norm. We hope that this will open up many collaborative opportunities and contribute to the continuous improvement of our product quality.

A small piece of good news is that S.norm’s humble booth was fortunate enough to win the Top 12 Exhibition Booth Designs award. This achievement is the result of the dedicated support from our partnering entities as well as the organizing committee of HAWA EXPO 2023.

S.NORM is a young furniture brand established in 2020. What drives us – a group of outsiders with an architectural background – to venture into this challenging field is the desire to reconnect with the hidden cultural veins of local furniture, albeit rare and scattered, that still exist within the vintage pieces we serendipitously encounter on the streets of Saigon.