Two furniture collections named “Nắng” and “Mưa” by the furniture brand S.norm in an intimate and earthy Indochine-inspired space.

“Season O” is an exhibition that explores the journey of S.Norm from its early days of inception, when the ideas for the “Nắng” and “Mưa” collections were still in their embryonic stage, to the present, where they have become fully realized products. Set within the earthy and Indochine-inspired ambiance of Mây Artspace, every corner of the exhibition evokes emotions for the viewers to experience and appreciate.

The highlight of the “Season O” exhibition is the collection of chairs

With the products showcased in the “Season O” exhibition, one can envision the objects and experience a range of emotions when directly touching those objects in the form of a chair. Each chair carries a unique appearance and structure, representing a story that each individual gains after visiting the exhibition.

Photos can give us a glimpse of an object, but they cannot fully capture the intimate experiences with a chair like touching, feeling, holding, and grasping…

Mây Artspace hopes to stir the hearts of each individual, making them tremble with unexpected joy at the sight of a falling leaf shadow or a solitary chair… Sit down, experience, and contemplate a season of emptiness. This exhibition also serves as an answer to the question, “What happens when architects design interior furniture?”

About S.norm

S.norm is a design team originating from Saigon, Vietnam. Saigon is a land where multiple cultures have intersected throughout different periods, resulting in a diverse range of beliefs and distinct perspectives on life. It is a region where differences can coexist while maintaining their unique characteristics and allowing space for individual brilliance to shine.

The designs by S.norm are nurtured and grown within the unique cultural background of Saigon. They embody diversity, flexibility, and the mysterious charm of arrival and departure.


  • Thời gian triển lãm: 14/08 – 21/08/2022
  • Mở cửa: 9:00 – 19:00
  • Địa chỉ: 36/70 Nguyễn Gia Trí, quận Bình Thạnh, TP.HCM
  • Vào cửa tham quan tự do

(trích nguồn từ: bazaarvietnam.vn)